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New in HEY: Faster speeds for customers worldwide

We’re excited to announce that HEY is now faster for customers outside the United States.

Since launching in 2020, HEY has been served by two data centers — one in Chicago, Illinois and another in Ashburn, Virginia. To retrieve a new email or access your HEY calendar, data travels from your location, to one of our data centers, and back again. That exchange happens in milliseconds.

For users outside the U.S., though, even data moving at the speed of light can feel sluggish when it's traveling halfway around the world.

To improve the experience for our customers outside of the U.S., and especially in Europe, we recently added a data outpost in Amsterdam. The shorter distance between users and their data means increased speed, and speed is a feature! Now, European customers see faster response times by up to 100 milliseconds. That's around 25% faster than before.

The HEY Amsterdam Outpost is our first data replica outside the United States. We're continuing to monitor the network speeds in Europe, and we hope to bring the same improvements to other parts of the globe in the future.