New in Basecamp: Pin messages

We recently rolled out a new feature that makes it easier to highlight important or timely messages in the Message Board. Now you can pin them right to the top!

Maybe you want to make sure people don’t miss the kickoff message for a project. Or perhaps you have a company-wide Message Board and want to welcome new employees when they join.

Go to the message you want to pin and click ••• in the top right, then select “Pin”.

That’s it! Pinned messages are gathered together at the top for easy access. In the Message Board below, we’ve pinned two messages.

A Message Board with two pinned messages.

Pinned messages apply to everyone on the project and appear in the order they were pinned. When a message is no longer timely, use the same ••• menu to unpin it.

We hope you and your team find pinning messages useful. Thanks again for using Basecamp!


New in HEY: Small updates, big impact


New in HEY: Send using your Gmail address