New in Basecamp: Better Hill Charts and more

We have a fresh batch of Basecamp improvements to share — they’re all live in your account today. Let's jump in!

Get more out of Hill Charts

Hill Charts give you a bird's-eye view of projects so you can see what's moving forward and what's done. If you haven't used Hill Charts yet, they track to-do lists in a project. Move lists uphill as you figure things out and downhill when the big questions are answered and the remaining work is straightforward.

The Hill Chart shows a project's current state well, but it's hard to quickly tell if everything is going smoothly or if some work is stuck.

Now, you can cycle through the updates and visualize the progress — just click the arrows in the right corner. As the positions change, you get a sense for what's moving and what's not. If something hasn't moved for awhile, it might be worth digging into.

You can also see who made each update and whether a note was included.

Creating a Hill Chart is simpler, too — just check Track this list on the Hill Chart when you create a list to start one. This also saves steps as you add new lists.

One of the best parts about Hill Charts is that they're updated by the people doing the work, which paints a more complete picture than counting incomplete to-dos. We all forget to update it sometimes, though, so we added a gentle reminder when a project is active, but the Hill Chart hasn’t been updated in a while.

We hope these improvements make Hill Charts work better for you and your team.

Choose who to notify in templates

Have an onboarding template for new employees and want the People team to be notified when someone completes their training? Previously, you could assign the to-do, but not choose who to notify when it’s completed. Now, you can include them in your template, so it will be set up right every time.

Embed Loom videos

Many of you have asked for the option to embed Loom videos directly in a message, doc, or comment. Good news! Click the link icon wherever you're writing, paste the URL, and you'll see the option to embed the content.

Everyone will be able to watch the video without leaving Basecamp.

We also added support for CleanShot.

Count your Steps

If a card in your Card Table includes steps, you can see how many have been completed right on the card.

We hope you enjoy these additions. Thanks for being a Basecamp customer!


New in Basecamp: Organize projects into Stacks


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