Updates to our privacy policy for 2022
We're updating our privacy policy for all our products to reflect that our company name is now (back) to 37signals, that warrant canaries for NSL/FISA orders are no longer best practice, to include new or clarified disclosures for newsletter, survey, analytics and advertising usage, and to generally clean up the language and presentation.
This is the fine work of our new head of legal, Abigail Phillips, and it's all going into effect on July 18, 2022. This message serves as your one-week notice.
As always, we provide full disclosure of all changes in an easy to digest format. These policy updates are available to browse as a pull request on GitHub, which allows you to see the full diff on a highlighted line-by-line basis.
Note: Our privacy policy, along with all the rest of our policies, is available under a Creative Commons Attribution license. You're free to adopt any of them, whole or in part, for your own service. Enjoy!