New in Basecamp: “My Schedule” iOS widget

Great news for customers with iOS devices. The new Basecamp widget, called “My Schedule”, lands on iPhone and iPad. “My Schedule” shows every event, to-do, card and step you have due in the next 7 days.

Tap an upcoming event, to-do, card or step to open it in the app. Multiple Basecamp accounts? Great! You can set up a different widget for each account.

“My Schedule” is available in 3 sizes on iPhone and 4 sizes on iPad:

Adding Basecamp's "My Schedule" widget on iPhone's home screen
Extra-large "My Schedule" widget on iPad

Extra-large size, only on iPad

"My Schedule" widget with dark mode

And of course, dark mode

You won’t even need to unlock your phone to be reminded that something is coming with the 3 lock screen versions:

Adding Basecamp's "My Schedule" widgets on iPhone's lock screen

Knowing what’s coming without opening Basecamp is an awesome superpower. To start using the new widget, be sure to download the latest update from the App Store.

Thanks for being a customer!


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