New in HEY: Multiple reminders, mobile widgets, and more


Hey there!

We’re continuously making improvements to HEY. From multiple reminders to mobile updates, here’s what’s new.

🔔 Multiple event reminders
It’s nice to get a heads-up about something a few hours beforehand and a follow-up reminder much closer to the event. To set up multiple reminders on an event, select Notify me and then + to add more.

To set defaults for your event notifications, head to the calendar settings.

🔁 End repeating events
Many repeating events have an end point. Maybe your kickboxing punch pass lasts 5 days or your book group takes the summer off. In addition to letting events repeat forever, you can now stop them at a specific date or after a particular number of times.

🗓️ Import events via ICS
When you make a reservation or book a flight, you sometimes have the option to download the ICS file to add the event to your calendar. Now you can go to the HEY menu › Import events via ICS and upload the file to the right calendar. You can also use this to migrate from another calendar service to HEY.

💻 Syntax highlighting for code 
On the desktop app or in your browser, you can now specify the programming language to get syntax highlighting. This makes it easier to read and understand code snippets in your emails and HEY World posts.

HEY Calendar's mobile apps keep getting better, too.

📲 Widgets
See today's events, your Sometime this week list, and Countdowns at a glance right on your home or lock screen.

🖼️ Day background
Personalize your Day view with background images. Tap on the options menu to add a background and pick an image from your photo library.

📝 Agenda
View your events in the Day view as a stacked list by tapping on the agenda/timeline icon.

Also, be sure to check out HEY Calendar for iPad! In landscape orientation, see your Weeks and Day side by side on the big screen.

Thanks again for using HEY!

–The HEY Team


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